Kent Island Volunteer Fire Department
Stevenville, MD
18,000 SF
About the Project
Kent Island VFD is a 24,408 sq ft facility with six engine bays for emergency response vehicles. The facility also has a 5,302 sq ft meeting room and multi-purpose room, a full kitchen, bunk rooms, physical training room, and several offices, radio room, etc. A ceramic Maltese Cross with the firehouse emblem is located in the main entrance to the multi-purpose room.
The structure was masonry bearing with light gauge metal trusses and shingle roof, except at the flat roof areas which contained the roof-top equipment and exhaust fans. The apparatus bay floors and the kitchen were epoxy. Exterior construction was split face block, architectural cast stone and brick. The multi-purpose room has cherry wainscoting with folding partitions so the room can be divided into four to six smaller rooms. The project was scheduled for 12 months and was completed in 11 months, and within budget.
Owner: Kent Island Volunteer Fire Department
Architect: Pacheco Ross Architects, P.C.